Significant damage to antique furniture is often caused by non-compliance with storage rules and insufficiently gentle handling. Restoration is a complex, labor-intensive, and expensive process, but all efforts and expenses may be in vain if the furniture, after restoration, ends up in unfavorable conditions. The primary responsibility of antique furniture owners and custodians is to ensure the optimal temperature and humidity in the room. The optimal temperature is 18 °C, with acceptable fluctuations from 15 to 20 °C. Room humidity should be in the range of 50% to 65%.

It should be noted that during the autumn period, poorly ventilated rooms can reach humidity levels of 85...90%, but during the heating season, it decreases to 10%. Often, replacing traditional windows with double-glazed windows and changing the heating system significantly reduces air humidity. Such drastic fluctuations are too dangerous for old furniture, especially if the furniture is veneered or decorated with marquetry, mosaics, or intarsia techniques. In products where different wood species are used, as well as old and new materials that react differently to changes in humidity, internal stresses occur. These stresses can cause wood to crack or damage glued joints. A decrease in relative air humidity below 30% can lead to irreversible consequences.

Increased moisture impact on wood can be reduced by installing proper ventilation in the room. If air humidity is too low, special humidifiers or simple means such as vases with live flowers, indoor plants, or containers with water placed under or near the furniture should be applied. These requirements are not unreasonable, as such humidity and temperature conditions indoors coincide with optimal norms recommended by medical professionals for people living in these spaces.

Drafts should be avoided in hot weather. Furniture should not be placed near heating devices. The minimum distance is 0.5m. They should also be protected from direct sunlight. It is recommended to occasionally change the placement of furniture in the room so that light from windows does not constantly fall on one surface.

Furniture is often damaged during transport and movement. When moving furniture, it should be lifted, not pushed, to avoid breaking wooden parts. For the correct placement of case furniture, use supports under the legs, which simultaneously helps to avoid splintering and ensures free door movement.

When transporting furniture, it should be handled and loaded carefully, avoiding impacts.

Timely and gentle furniture maintenance is a crucial requirement for preserving its external appearance. Use a dry, soft cloth for dusting.

Furniture polished or lacquered with shellac should be protected from water droplets on surfaces and hot objects. Spirit-containing compounds can cause significant damage to polished furniture. The preservation of polished furniture surfaces is ensured only by adhering to furniture usage rules. During operation, it is recommended to place glass with polished edges on surfaces. Polished furniture should be maintained with a special product suitable for shellac finish (practically, most furniture maintenance products are suitable). Do not subject the furniture to heavy loads.

To prevent the introduction of furniture beetles, ensure that the furniture or any of its parts are not in elevated humidity, and the furniture is well-ventilated. As a preventive measure, furniture can be treated with turpentine to avoid beetles. Placing beetle-infested items in the room is not allowed. If new beetle damage appears in the furniture, seek help from specialists.

Proper operation and maintenance will ensure the long-term preservation of the external appearance and structural properties of the furniture.

Horsehair upholstery should be protected from moths. To guard against moths in soft furniture, it is best to use traditional remedies such as eucalyptus or lavender.

Handle rattan weave with care. Over time, rattan weave becomes more fragile and may develop tears.